NXPセミコンダクターズ / NXPI:AI・半導体銘柄の最新の2024年第1四半期決算速報・分析と今後の株価見通し・将来性

- NXPセミコンダクターズ(NXPI)は2024年4月29日に2024年第1四半期決算を発表しており、予想を上回る営業利益と売上高を達成し、特に自動車関連のサイクルから早期に抜け出している。
- 在庫管理を厳格に行い、流通在庫を1.6ヶ月に抑えいたが、2024年下半期の需要改善に向けて競争力を強化するため、在庫を若干増加させる計画。
- 2024年の売上高は横ばいを予想しているが、IOT分野では中国とRFIDタグの好調、また自動車関連では年間を通じての成長が見込まれている。
(原文)Year-on-year performance was a result of consistent gross profit generation, offset by slightly higher operating expenses as we continue to invest in our future business. From a channel perspective, we held distribution inventory at a tight 1.6 months level, consistent with our guidance and well below our long-term target of 2.5 months of inventory EBITDA. Now let me turn to the specific trends in our focus end markets.
(原文)And finally, Communication Infrastructure & Other is expected to be down in the mid-20% range year-on-year and up in the high single-digit percent range versus quarter 1, '24. So in summary, we are beginning to see incrementally improving demand signals for the second half of '24 across all end markets. Hence, during quarter 2, we will begin to state slightly higher inventory in the channel to support our competitiveness for the anticipated second half growth.
(原文)So it is unlikely that we grow channel inventory back to our long-term target of 2.5 months within this calendar year. And taken all together, the potential outcome for 2024 should be in the range of a modest annual revenue growth or decline, just consistent with our views from a quarter ago.
(原文)I say that very carefully, Vivek because I think the headlines we all see about EV slowdown are more dramatic than what it really is. S&P is still talking about 20-plus percent unit growth of xEV, so hybrids and full EVs for this year, which is still a very strong growth. What really drives our revenue number, however, this year is the inventory digestion with the direct customers. Clearly, in Q1, and now with the guide, which we just gave for the second quarter, we are digesting inventory with our direct Automotive Tier 1 customers. If this is exactly done by the end of Q2 or if it takes a little bit into Q3, very hard to say.
(日本語訳)ヴィヴェック、私は非常に慎重にそう言っていますよ。というのも、私たちが目にするEVの減速に関する見出しは、実際よりも大げさなものだと思うからです。S&Pは、今年もハイブリッド車とフルEVのxEVの台数成長率を20%以上としており、これは非常に力強い成長です。しかし、今年の売上高を本当に押し上げるのは、直接顧客との在庫消化です。明らかに、第1四半期、そして今、第2四半期のガイダンスを発表したところですが、自動車メーカーTier 1の直接顧客との在庫消化が進んでいます。これが第2四半期末までに完了するのか、それとも第3四半期に少しかかるのか、非常に難しいところです。
(原文)However, we have any indication that the second half in Automotive this year is going to grow solidly above the first half of this year.
(原文)Because we wanted to spread this out, Stacy, that was the whole idea. I think last quarter, we discussed about our understanding of that so-called soft landing strategy for NXP. Our whole target was to actually have not a sharp peak to trough in Automotive because there would be a bad impact on our factories and Bill would come back with heavy underloading and negative margin impact. So the idea was to spread this over a longer period of time, which is why we started early but didn't want to overdo it in any given quarter. So say we started in Q3 last year for the direct side of Automotive. And obviously, it goes at least until the end of the second quarter of this year. So that would be a full year of correction on the direct side, maybe a little bit spreading into the third quarter.